Enabling Cases and Opportunities allows your users to link their customer calls to existing (open or closed) cases or create a new case or opportunity while on the phone with the customer. All cases and opportunities are listed conveniently under the suitcase and binoculars icons in your Tenfold UI, with a case or opportunity creation button (depending on the user selection) located at the bottom of the tab
Out of the box, the Create New Case or Opportunity button sends the agent to the standard case or opportunity creation page in your CRM. You can enable the "Check for Record Types on Relate Resources" feature and will verify if your Case or Opportunity module has different Record Types and subsequently determine the desired view. If your Case or Opportunity module has more than one Record Type, we will open the CRM view that allows you to choose which Record Type your agents would like to create.
Create or relate a case or opportunity
- Begin by clicking a contact in your call history, or by searching for a contact in the search bar and clicking a contact in your search results.
In the Actions tab, click the Cases icon (callout 1) or the Opportunities icon (callout 2).
- After clicking these icons, the cases or opportunities associated with the contact display.
- The number on the briefcase icon indicates how many Cases and Opportunities already exist for this record. Admins can configure additional settings for what is shown (both Open and Closed Cases, or just Open Cases) and if they are automatically related in the Features section of the Dashboard.
- To create a new case or opportunity, click Create New Case or Create New Opportunity to open the CRM page when you can create it.
Auto relate cases
Enabling this preference automatically associates single-matched calls within the UI to an open case that relate to that entity record. This only occurs when there is only one resource to relate to. If Auto relates Opportunities is also enabled, relating to Opportunities will trump Cases.
NOTE: When more than one resource is present, no resource is auto-related because, during calls without human interaction, auto-relating resources would result in several incorrectly matched resources.
Show cases related to contact only
Enabling this preference filters the displayed cases to only those cases related to the Contact. By default, cases for the Contact parent account are shown, too.
Show closed cases
Enabling this preference shows Closed Cases related to the Contact or Account as well. By default, only Open Cases display.
Additional notes
- If you do not see the expected Case or Opportunity listed, make sure you have selected the Contact or Account record it is under in the CRM, as that is where Tenfold is pulling the data from directly.
- The UI only shows the ten most recent Cases or Opportunities associated with a record.