Overview: If your Polycom phone has software version above 5.0 you will need to go through the following steps to ensure click to dial will function as expected
On Windows:
- Open the Google Chrome settings by going to chrome://settings
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Show Advanced Settings”
- Under HTTPS/SSL click Manage Certificates
- In the Windows that opens, click Import to open the Certificate Import Wizard and click next.
- Click Browse and locate the “Polycom Root CA” and click next.
- Choose the option for “Place certificates in the following store” and click Browse
- Choose the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” folder. Click Next and then click Finish.
- Repeat steps d through g for the “Polycom Equipment Policy CA” and “Polycom Equipment Issuing CA 2” certificates. These should be placed in the “Intermediate Certificate Authorities” folder.
- Go to our Click to Dial Test Page and test click to dial! If we are unable to communicate with your phone a new tab will be opened that points to your phone’s IP address. You will need to click Advanced > Proceed to IP_ADDRESS.
- Click to dial is now configured and ready for you to test.