For all questions about LivePerson Conversational Cloud Connector for Salesforce, please refer to these General FAQs
➡️ Does the connector support blended voice and messaging agents?
No, currently, the Salesforce connector only supports messaging. Please note, if you are using another voice provider that is using the call center in Salesforce, a single salesforce instance can have multiple call centers, but an agent user can belong to only one call center. However, as of October 5th, 2023, LivePerson now offers a solution in which the app can be embedded as a custom lightening component and if the 5.3.11 version of the app is installed and setup with the Aura component, then agents can be assigned to both the call center app and the LivePerson messaging solution.
➡️ What PII Data is sent to Salesforce?
PII data is already in Salesforce given this is the source of the customer matches. But we do store a few things in there, such as consumer info (phone, email, etc), we store agent notes (which may have PII), and we also have the Conversation object, which in turn has the transcript and may have PII information.
➡️ Does this integration support both Web Messaging and the native Live chat?
Please note, this solution does not support the native Live Chat. It only works with Web messaging and all other messaging channels.
➡️ Can LivePerson Messaging and the Tenfold voice solution be used in the same Salesforce instance?
Yes. A single salesforce instance can have multiple call centers, but an agent user can belong to only one call center.
➡️ Will I see bot transcripts as well as human agent transcripts in the Conversation in Salesforce?
Yes, since this is part of the same Conversation, the transcript will include both the conversation with the Bot and the Agent.
➡️ Can an Agent be logged into both Conversational Cloud and in the Salesforce LivePerson agent experience at the same time?
No, Conversational Cloud does not permit multiple logins. Logging into the app in Salesforce will simply kill your Conversational Cloud session.