➡️ Legacy: CCC and Tenfold Bridge - single vs. redundant producer details (optional)
The Tenfold Bridge is a legacy feature that Tenfold no longer installs or recommends. Information on the bridge is included for customers with older Tenfold configurations. Using Cloud Connect Client is the current approach.
Contact a Tenfold Support Engineer (TSE), requesting they “update the Producer type (optional) setting from the Internal Org Details page in Org-Management for your Org to Single or Redundant” based on the following configuration types being met...
Cloud Connect Client
= commands all go over CCC and Tenfold receives all events over CCC.
You use this when not deploying the Tenfold Bridge at all with CCS.
Producer type
Cloud Connect Client active
= commands first try Tenfold Bridge (socket), then CCC if Tenfold Bridge is disconnected/unavailable.
We use this configuration when deploying both CCC and Tenfold Bridge services
Producer type
Cloud Connect Client inactive
= commands all go over tenfold bridge with no fallback to CCC and we do not de-dup Tenfold Bridge events.
We use this configuration when we ONLY DEPLOY Tenfold Bridge and DO NOT deploy CCC.
Producer type
Cloud Connect Client inactive
= commands all go over Tenfold Bridge with no fallback to CCC but we will try to de-dup events received over Tenfold Bridge.
We use this configuration when we ONLY DEPLOY Tenfold Bridge and DO NOT deploy CCC, but want to add some form of persistent redundancy.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The TCP preference on the Cloud Connect Feature (Click to Dial (CTD) using TCP Producer only) if enabled, then all commands will go over the Tenfold Bridge (socket) regardless of the above setup.