LivePerson will sunset the Advanced Messaging Dashboard (AMD) in Q1 2023 and will migrate to the new Agent Operations Dashboard (AOD).
Important Dates
- Existing copies of the AMD will remain (will not be deleted) but certain data points will stop populating starting in February 2023
- AMD End of Support (EOS) is February 2023
If you have additional questions, please send an email to amd-deprecation-lp@liveperson.com
Key Components of the Dashboard
Clearly highlight Primary Messaging KPI trends over time to show successes and opportunities for improvement.
Detailed reporting allows the user to drill into segments of a program to pinpoint issues and track improvement.
Test and Learn
One key objective of Advanced Messaging Dashboard 3.0 is to provide a platform to seamlessly benchmark current performance, adjust program levers, and track incremental improvement. This applies to account configuration, automation, and program operations.
Any customization on top of that analysis carries a risk of changing the narrative of the analysis. Please note that customizations will not be supported by LPSupport LivePerson. If you do customize, please Save-As and give the file a different name.
How to enable
New versions of Advanced Messaging Dashboard 3.0 are no longer being uploaded, as the data from this dashboard is now available in the Predefined Dashboards in Analytics Builder.
Segments of the dashboard
Advanced Messaging Dashboard 3.0 contains 7 core analysis segments:
- How healthy are my primary Messaging KPIs in relation to LivePerson best practices?
- How are those KPIs influenced by the end-to-end conversation flow?
- Are my current bot implementations increasing Efficiency while keeping constant or improving Customer Experience measures?
- Which Skills are conversations being sent from and to?
- Are there any breakpoints causing consumers to drop from the Transfer queue?
Agent Effectiveness
- How well are my operational Messaging KPIs performing over time?
- What are my coaching opportunities?
- How much labor am I spending on repeat conversations due to unresolved cases?
- Are my Auto-close settings causing premature closures?
How to use Tabs and Panels
- Correspond to an analysis (Automation, Agent Effectiveness, etc.)
- Contain their own set of filters, meaning you have to set filters each time you switch tabs
- Typically contain between 3-8 Panels (see below)
- Correspond to individual components within an analysis
- Maintain the filters that are set at the tab level, meaning filters do not need to be reset when navigating between panels
- May also contain filters within the visualization, allowing you to further drill down on the data that has been selected at the Tab level.
How to use Filters within Tabs and Panels
Tab Level
- Apply to all Panels within a Tab
- Default to past 28 days, all Skills, all Groups, and all User Types
Visualization Level - Apply only to the Panel that contains theFilter
- Allow you to drill into very detailed data, such as Agent-level and Hour of Day
Performance contents
By the numbers
Analysis objective: Outline the key high-level success metrics any Messaging program should be looking to drive at the Brand-level.
Questions answered: How healthy are my primary Messaging KPIs in relation to LivePerson best practices?
Program Summary | Weekly
Analysis objective: Show week-over-week improvements in Primary KPIs across the brand's messaging deployment.
Questions answered: How are my primary and secondary Messaging KPIs trending on a weekly basis?
Program Summary | Daily
Analysis objective: Investigate questions from Weekly Program Summary by drilling down to the daily level.
Questions answered: How are my primary and secondary Messaging KPIs trending on a daily basis?
Conversation Flow Detail
Analysis objective: Demonstrate how changes in Supporting KPIs throughout a conversation influence Primary KPIs in the Program Summary.
Questions answered: What does my program’s end-to-end conversation flow look like in terms of data points? Are there any areas of the conversation that are adversely impacting consumer experience?
Performance metrics
Metric Name | Metric formula | Definition |
Closed Conversations Per Login Hour (CCPLH) | CLOSED CONVERSATIONS / LOGIN HOURS | Efficiency measure of how many conversations were completed (closed) per hour of agent time spent logged in. |
Resolution Rate (Based on 0-3 Day RCR) | REPEAT 0-3 DAYS / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID DID NOT OPEN a subsequent conversation within 3 days. This is LivePerson's standard measure of a resolved conversation. |
Agent Participation Rate | (CLOSED CONVERSATIONS - ABANDONED CONVERSATIONS) / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the AGENT sent at least one message. This is the inverse of Abandon Rate. |
RCR 1 Hour | REPEAT 1 HOUR / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation within 1 hour. This measurement is a prime indicator of conversations that are closed prematurely. |
RCR 1 Day | REPEAT 1 DAY / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation between 1 Hour and 1 day. This RCR measurement is mutually exclusive, meaning RCR 1 Hour (for example) is not included. This measurement also indicates conversations that are closed prematurely, although these conversations are not being reopened as urgently as 1 Hour Repeats. |
RCR 3 Day | REPEAT 3 DAY / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation between 1 day and 3 days. This RCR measurement is mutually exclusive, meaning RCR 1 Hour (for example) is not included. This measurement indicates the threshold at which a reopened conversation is still considered unresolved. |
Automation contents
Bot Impact | Weekly
Analysis objective: Illustrate the impact of automation on Efficiency and Experience KPIs over time.
Questions answered: Are my current bot implementations increasing Efficiency while keeping constant or improving Customer Experience measures?
Bot Impact | daily
Analysis objective: Investigate questions from Weekly Bot Impact by drilling down to the daily level.
Questions answered: Are my current bot implementations increasing Efficiency while keeping constant or improving Customer Experience measures?
AB test
Analysis objective: Compare Primary KPIs for different date ranges (pre-bot and post-bot) and user types (bots and humans).
Questions answered: How do I use Test and Learn methodology with bots?
Routing bot
Analysis objective: Provide insight into each step of a Routing Bot conversation, and show break-points where consumers leave the conversation either volunatarily or involuntarily.
Questions answered: How does Conversation Flow change when a Routing Bot is involved?
Task bot
Analysis objective: Task Bots can serve many different purposes, so this visualization supports the comparison of Bots and Humans in terms of both Efficiency and Experience metrics.
Questions answered: What is the difference in performance between Bots and Humans for Task Bots?
Bot Comparison by Date
Analysis objective: View success criteria over time for either all bots at once or one particular bot.
Questions answered: How are my Bot KPIs trending over time?
Bot Comparison by Bot
Analysis objective: Compare bots within a program to ensure each bot is accomplishing its intended goal.
Questions answered: Are any of my current Bots performing better than others in any area?
Automation metrics
Metric Name | Metric formula | Definition |
Bot Involved Handled Conversations | Sum(Case(([USER TYPE]@DESC=”Bot”),[HANDLED CONVERSATIONS],0)){~+} | The number of conversations in which a BOT agent sent at least one message during the selected timeframe. |
Human Only Handled Conversations | HANDLED CONVERSATIONS - BOT-INVOLVED HANDLED CONVERSATIONS | The number of conversations in which a HUMAN agent sent at least one message and BOTS sent no messages during the selected timeframe. |
Bot Routing Success Rate | TRANSFERS / HANDLED CONVERSATIONS | Successful transfers (routes) completed by Routing Bot. This is a primary KPI that should be maximized for all Routing Bots. |
Human Resolution Success Rate | (1 - (TRANSFERS / HANDLED CONVERSATIONS)) * (1 - REPEAT 0-3 DAYS) | Successful closures (1-Transfer Rate) completed by Humans after Routing, multiplied by the Resolution Rate (1 - REPEAT 0-3 DAYS). This is a leading indicator of the accuracy of the Routing Bot, as well as the ability of Human Agents to fully resolve cases. |
Time Spent with Bot vs Human (Mins) | AVG. CONVERSATION DURATION where USER TYPE = "Human" / "Bot" / "Unassigned" | Breakdown of Avg Conversation Duration spent with the Bot, Unassigned, and with a Human. |
Est. Consumer Responses Sent Per Conversation | (TOTAL NO. OF AGENT RESPONSES / HANDLED CONVERSATIONS) - 1 | We measure Responses sent by the Bot or Agent as a proxy for the number of Consumer actions taken to navigate through the Routing Bot. For example, if a Bot sends 5 Responses per Conversation, this implies that the Consumer has had to respond 4 times. |
Bot Routing Success Rate | TRANSFERS / HANDLED CONVERSATIONS | Successful transfers (routes) completed by Routing Bot. |
Close Rate | 1 - BOT ROUTING SUCCESS RATE | Percentage of Closed Conversations that were closed while with the Routing Bot. Ideally this metric will be very low. |
In Queue Abandon Rate | IN QUEUE ABANDONS / CONVERSATIONS IN QUEUE | Percentage of Conversations In Queue that are abandoned before being assigned. |
Assignment Rate | ASSIGNED CONVERSATIONS / CONVERSATIONS IN QUEUE | Percentage of Conversations In Queue that are assigned. |
Post Assign Abandon Rate | POST ASSIGN ABANDONS / CONVERSATIONS ASSIGNED TO SKILL | Percentage of Conversations In Queue that are abandoned after being assigned, meaning the conversation was closed before an Agent message was sent. |
Transfer contents
Queue Health | Weekly
Analysis objective: Weekly trend showing the overall health of the transfer queue.
Questions answered:
- How long are consumers typically spending in queue?
- Are there any breakpoints between transfer and conversation?
Queue Health | Daily
Analysis objective: Investigate questions from Weekly Queue Health by drilling down to the daily level.
Questions answered:
- How long are consumers typically spending in queue?
- Are there any breakpoints between transfer and conversation?
Queue Health | Day of Week
Analysis objective: Investigate questions from Weekly Queue Health by drilling down to the day-of-week level and isolating issues to a given day of the week.
Questions answered:
Do any of the above metrics differ based on day of week or operating hours?
Skill Distribution
Analysis objective: Distribution of transfers between From Skill and To Skill.
Questions answered: Where are my conversations being transferred from and to?
Queue Health | skill
Analysis objective: Detailed view of the transfer queue by each Transfer to Skill.
Questions answered: Is any particular Skill (transferred to) better than others at navigating visitors through the queue to an interactive conversation?
Transfer metrics
Metric Name | Metric formula | Definition |
Assignment Rate | ASSIGNED CONVERSATIONS / CONVERSATIONS IN QUEUE | Percentage of Conversations In Queue that are assigned. |
Post Assign Abandon Rate | POST ASSIGN ABANDONS /CONVERSATIONS ASSIGNED TO SKILL | Percentage of Conversations Assigned to Skill that are abandoned after being assigned, meaning the conversation was closed before an Agent message was sent. |
Interactive Transfer Rate | INTERACTIVE TRANSFERS / CONVERSATIONS ASSIGNED TO SKILL | Percentage of Conversations Assigned to Skill that result in an agent message and a subsequent consumer response. |
Transfer From Skill = NONE | n/a | Skill was transferred from the queue and did not have a previous skill assigned. |
Transfer To Skill = NONE | n/a | Skill was transferred to the queue. |
Agent effectiveness - contents
Analysis objective: Show how effectively the brand is managing the balance between Demand (Conversations) and Supply (Labor).
Questions answered: How are my primary and secondary efficiency KPIs trending over time?
Analysis objective: Demonstrate how program operations impact the consumer Experience.
Questions answered: How are my Operations impacting consumer experience?
Magic Quadrant
Analysis objective: Group and Agent-level visualization of the relationship between Efficiency (CCPLH) and Experience (MCS).
Questions answered: Where do my current Agents/Groups stand on the curve between MCS and CCPLH?
Agent Analysis
Analysis objective: Detailed Agent-level analysis showing how Primary KPIs (CCPLH and MCS) are impacted by other agent behaviors such as response times and availability.
Questions answered: Who are my top agents in terms of Efficiency andExperience? Are those agents engaging in positive behaviors across the Operations spectrum? Which agents should I use for coaching opportunities?
Weekly Detail
Analysis objective: Use this tab to keep a weekly pulse on overall operations performance and measure the weekly impact of your Group and Agent-level coaching initiatives.
Questions answered: What is the program impact of recent Operations changes on program KPIs?
Agent effectiveness - metrics
Metric Name | Metric formula | Definition |
Adjusted CCPLH (RCR and Load) | ([CLOSED CONVERSATIONS PER LOGIN HOUR]*[ RESOLUTION RATE])/[AGENT LOAD] | Closed Conversations Per Login Hour only tells one piece of the agent efficiency story. This metric adjusts CCPLH for case resolution and agent capacity. |
ART and ART During Agent Shift | n/a | Same as the AVG RESPONSE MINS BY AGENT DURING SHIFT metric (name shortened to fit on graph on Experience panel and grids on Agent Analysis and Weekly Detail panels). |
ART Consumer | n/a | same as the AVG. CONSUMER RESPONSE MINS metric (name shortened to fit on graph on Experience panel). |
TTFR and TTFR (Assign+Transfer) | n/a | Same as the AVG. MINS TO FIRST AGENT RESPONSE FROM AGENT ASSIGNMENT INCLUDING TRANSFERS metric (name shortened to fit on graph on Experience panel and grids on Agent Analysis and Weekly Detail panels). |
Top Agent | Case((([N-TILE CCPLH]>=4)And([N-TILE MCS]>=4)), 1, 0) {N=5} | Identifies top 20% of performers in terms of CCPLH and MCS. These two metrics were chosen because they are universal indicators of efficiency and experience across all agents. |
RCR 1 Hour | REPEAT 1 HOUR / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation within 1 hour. This measurement is a prime indicator of conversations that are closed prematurely. |
Agent Participation Rate | (CLOSED CONVERSATIONS - ABANDONED CONVERSATIONS) / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the AGENT sent at least one message. This is the inverse of Abandon Rate. |
Resolution contents
Repeat Contact Impact
Analysis objective: While closing conversations is key to maintaining efficiency, it means nothing if consumer issues are not resolved. Here we introduce RCR and Agent Load into the Efficiency calculation, as well as demonstrate the amount of labor being spent on unresolved conversations.
Questions answered: How much labor am I spending on repeat conversations due to unresolved conversations? Which Skills/Groups have the highest RCR?
RCR | Date
Analysis objective: Provide a deeper dive into each component of RCR and show the implication of consumers returning within certain timeframes.
Questions answered: Are my Auto-close settings causing premature closures?
Resolution metrics
Metric Name | Metric formula | Definition |
Resolution Rate (Based on 0-3 Day RCR) | REPEAT 0-3 DAYS / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID DID NOT OPEN a subsequent conversation within 3 days. This is LivePerson's standard measure of a resolved conversation. |
RCR Based 4-30 Day Adoption Rate | REPEAT 4-30 DAYS / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation after 3 days and within 30 days. This is LivePerson's standard measure of consumers returning for new cases, and thus adopting messaging.NOTE - this metric in its current state serves as a directional proxy for channel adoption, but it is still not an official adoption figure since it only covers a 30 day period. If you compare this number to voice, be sure to compare like-for-like time periods. |
Adjusted CCPLH (RCR and Load) | ([CLOSED CONVERSATIONS PER LOGIN HOUR]*[ RESOLUTION RATE])/[AGENT LOAD] | Closed Conversations Per Login Hour only tells one piece of the agent efficiency story. This metric adjusts CCPLH for case resolution and agent capacity. |
Est. Login Hours Spent on Unresolved | REPEAT 0-3 DAYS / ACTUAL CCPLH | Holding CCPLH constant, this is the estimated agent time spent on taking repeat conversations within 3 days due to cases not being resolved in the initial conversation. |
Agent or Consumer Close Rate | AGENT CLOSE RATE + CONSUMER CLOSE RATE | The Agent and Consumer Close Rates are consolidated into one metric in this analysis, because the primary focus is on the relationship between SYSTEM CLOSE RATE and RCR |
RCR 1 HOUR | REPEAT 1 HR / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation within 1 hour. This measurement is a prime indicator of conversations that are closed prematurely and are UNRESOLVED. |
RCR 1 DAY | REPEAT 1 DAY / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation between 1 Hour and 1 day. This RCR measurement is mutually exclusive, meaning RCR 1 Hour (for example) is not included. This measurement also indicates conversations that are UNRESOLVED, although these conversations are not being reopened as urgently as 1 Hour Repeats. |
RCR 3 DAY | REPEAT 3 DAYS / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation between 1 day and 3 days. This RCR measurement is mutually exclusive, meaning RCR 1 Hour (for example) is not included. This measurement indicates the threshold at which a reopened conversation is still considered UNRESOLVED. |
RCR 7 DAY | REPEAT 7 DAYS / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation between 3 days and 7 days. This RCR measurement is mutually exclusive, meaning RCR 1 Hour (for example) is not included. These conversations are typically considered RESOLVED. |
RCR 14 DAY | REPEAT 14 DAYS / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation between 7 days and 14 days. This RCR measurement is mutually exclusive, meaning RCR 1 Hour (for example) is not included. These conversations are typically considered RESOLVED. |
RCR 30 DAY | REPEAT 30 DAYS / CLOSED CONVERSATIONS | Percentage of Closed Conversations where the same ConsumerID opened a subsequent conversation between 14 days and 30 days. This RCR measurement is mutually exclusive, meaning RCR 1 Hour (for example) is not included. These conversations are typically considered RESOLVED. |
Agent Load | Group and Agent
Analysis objective: Drill further into Agent Load by evaluating at the Group and Agent levels. Click anywhere on the bar graphs to filter the "Agent Load by Date" graph below.
Questions answered: How busy are my agents? Of the conversations filling my agents’ queues, what percentage are actually active conversations requiring agent attention?
Agent Load Trend | Date
Analysis objective: Monitor overall Agent Load and Active Rate over time to measure incremental improvements due to capacity setting changes.
Questions answered: How have changes in capacity settings impacted Agent Load?
Demand, Supply, and Load Heat Map
Analysis objective: Show relationship between Demand (Opened Conversations), Supply (Login Hours), Agent Load, and Active Rate by day of week and hour. This highlights potential areas of opportunity in staffing.
Questions answered: How well are Login Hours paired with Opened Conversations at each interval? How do Demand and Supply impact Agent Load and Active Rate?
Discontinued Sections of Advanced Messaging Dashboard
Several sections of the original Advanced Messaging Dashboard were serving reporting needs that have since been filled using more appropriate tools. Those sections include Capacity, Usage, Automation, and Resolution. These sections may still be available in customized copies of Advanced Messaging Dashboard, but they are no longer supported by LivePerson Support or Analytics.