New Updates include: Salesforce Widget and Salesforce Connector
➡️ Exact delivery dates may vary, and brands may therefore not have immediate access to all features on the date of publication. Please contact your LivePerson account team for the exact dates on which you will have access to the features.
🚨 The timing and scope of these features or functionalities remain at the sole discretion of LivePerson and are subject to change.
Salesforce Widget for Agent Workspace
Automated chat transcript sync is now available
Chat transcripts can now be synced automatically into Salesforce upon the close of the conversation. This can be enabled via the Salesforce widget onboarding experience in iHub.
Please note that the agents can link the case to the conversation, and this will added to the Salesforce Chat transcript object as well so that the Chat transcript can be accessed from within the context of the Case.
If Summarization is enabled on the account, we now have enhanced the LivePerson Conversation object with the AI Summary field. This will be updated with the last summary upon the close of the conversation.
Save agents time with the Contact/Case creation in the Salesforce Widget
With this release, you can now auto-populate certain fields with information from the SDE in LivePerson for the Contact/Case Creation. You may specify which specific fields and these will be auto-populated. There is configuration required in the iHub onboarding experience to ensure the fields are selected and mapped accordingly.
Drive agent efficiency with dependent picklists in the Salesforce Widget
While changing Contacts or Cases, we now limit the set of selection options available based on other selections made previously. Please view the video to see this in action!
Salesforce Connector
AI Summarization now available with the Salesforce Connector
If you have the AI Summarization feature enabled on your LivePerson account, the Salesforce Connector now supports summarization. Agents will now be able to see the conversation context and summary upon transfers of conversations, conversation close events and deflection from Voice to Messaging along with the previous conversations history.
Note: The minimum number of 10 messages must be sent between the agent and customer for the AI summarization to be displayed.
Data Memorialization AI Summary Sync to Salesforce
With the latest AI Summarization feature, we now have enhanced the LivePerson Conversation object with the AI Summary field. This will be updated with the last summary upon close of the conversation.
Note: Please install the latest LivePerson Conversation object to see this update.
Private message support with the Salesforce Connector
We are now excited to introduce the ability to send private messages to agents who belong to the same group or for managers to guide agents during active conversations. Private messages enables Messaging users to send private messages to all conversation participants, excluding the consumer. This capability will enable managers to guide agents during active conversations.
Users will see the new private message action available within the action menu (lock icon):
A private message displayed within the conversation area, with a “PRIVATE” badge:
Agent/Skill search capabilities with the transfers in the Salesforce Connector
New search capabilities have been added to the skill and agent transfers to allow agents to quickly search for the specific agents or skills to expedite the transfer process.
Agent Messages text formatting and hyperlinking with the Salesforce Connector
Similar to the formatting options available in the Conversational Cloud Agent Workspace, Agents can now seamlessly add hyperlinks or format the text being sent to the customer.
Option to login with Credentials with SSO setup
The Salesforce connector requires a dedicated integration user setup within the Tenfold dashboard Company settings. We now allow the flexibility to connect this user using credentials, vs requiring this integration user to be SSO enabled. Please note that this will require the setting in LivePerson to be enabled for the login with credentials with SSO.