This Quickstart tutorial gets you up and running with your first transcription and speech analytics.
Hello, World
The examples assume you have these prerequisites:
- Your Bearer token
- jq for working with JSON (see: :ref:
A Quick Note on Tools <tools>
for details) - curl (comes with most Linux systems, see: :ref:
A Quick Note on Tools <tools>
for details)
How to Get Your Bearer Token
Sign into your VoiceBase account.
Go to Settings/Bearer Tokens and click Add Bearer Token.
Save your token in a secure location; it won't be visible in your account after its initial creation.
Verify your Bearer Token and tools are working
Start by verifying your Bearer token is working by running the following from a command prompt. Please remember to insert your Bearer token after TOKEN= in the first line of the example. You can also find more detailed instructions under "Understanding Your First Request" below.
export TOKEN= # Insert your VoiceBase Bearer token after TOKEN= curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" \ | jq
You should see a response like this:
{ "_links": { "self": { "href": "/v3/media" } }, "media": [] }
Upload a media file for transcription and analysis
To upload a recording for transcription and analysis, POST to /media with the recording as an attachment named media (you can also provide a URL to your recording instead using the form field 'mediaUrl'. Note that a 2 minute timeout is recommended when POSTing media URLs.)
Note: When uploading a batch files, we recommend sending an average of 250-300 minutes per minute or ~50 files per minute on a estimated average of 5 minutes per call.
Using local media:
curl \ --form 'media=@hello-world.mp3' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ | tee media-post.json \ | jq .
Using a remote media URL:
curl \ --form 'mediaUrl=' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ | tee media-post.json \ | jq .
The response includes a mediaId (assigned by the API) and a status of accepted.
{ "_links": { "self": { "href": "/v3/media/10827f19-7574-4b54-bf9d-9387999eb5ec" }, "progress": { "href": "/v3/media/10827f19-7574-4b54-bf9d-9387999eb5ec/progress" }, "metadata": { "href": "/v3/media/10827f19-7574-4b54-bf9d-9387999eb5ec/metadata" } }, "mediaId": "10827f19-7574-4b54-bf9d-9387999eb5ec", "status": "accepted", "dateCreated": "2021-04-22T18:23:02Z", "dateFinished": "2021-04-22T18:23:58Z", "mediaContentType": "audio/mp3", "length": 10031, "metadata": {} }
You can poll for status until the processing is done (for production, we recommend using Callbacks <callbacks.html>
export MEDIA_ID=$( cat media-post.json | jq --raw-output .mediaId ) export STATUS=$( cat media-post.json | jq --raw-output .status ) while [[ ${STATUS} != 'finished' && ${STATUS} != 'failed' ]]; do sleep 1 STATUS=$( curl${MEDIA_ID}/progress \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ | jq --raw-output .progress.status ) echo "Got status: ${STATUS} for mediaId: ${MEDIA_ID} on $( date )" done
Get your transcript and analytics
You can retrieve the JSON version of the transcript and all analytics with a simple API call.
curl${MEDIA_ID}/transcript \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ | jq .
You can also retrieve a plain-text version using transcript/text and the Accept HTTP header.
curl${MEDIA_ID}/transcript/text \ --header 'Accept: text/plain' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"
Understanding Your First Request
The root URL of the VoiceBase V3 API is
. Every recording you submit for analysis appears in the /media
collection and is viewable in the 'Media Browser' tab. The first request is to GET the /media
collection (which will be empty when you first sign up). Pagination default limit is set to 100.
export TOKEN= # Insert your VoiceBase Bearer token after TOKEN= curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN:?'(hint: insert your token after export TOKEN=)'}" \ | jq
If you're running this for the first time, the API returns:
{ "_links": { "self": { "href": "/v3/media" } }, "media": [] }
All successful responses from the API will include a _links section with HAL metadata that helps navigate the API.
{ "_links": { } }
The media section the list of media in your account. If you have previously uploaded media, it will appear in the list.
{ "media": [] }
Understanding Your First Upload
The next step is to upload a recording to the API for transcription and analysis, but making a POST to /media, with the recording as an attachment named media.
When you add the --form media=@filename.mp3 parameters, curl automatically sets the HTTP method to POST and the Content-Type to multipart/form-data. This is equivalent to the more explicit:
curl \ --form media=@hello-world.mp3 \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ | jq
curl \ --form media=@hello-world.mp3 \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ | jq
Finally, many operations will rely on providing a configuration JSON attachment with additional processing instructions. Omitting the attachment is equivalent to including the following default configuration:
curl \ --form media=@hello-world.mp3 \ --form configuration='{}' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \ | jq
The 'How-to' guides in this documentation show configurations for each feature of the VoiceBase platform, including an overall sample configuration.
A Quick Note on Tools
- curl: The examples in this documentation make use of
_ for making HTTP requests to the API. - jq: The
_ tool helps parse JSON responses and work with JSON data.
.. _curl:
.. _jq: