The LivePerson Agent application is available for iOS and Android, allowing agents and agent managers to message consumers on the go. The current application offers simple messaging capabilities and helps agents working from home continue to provide services to their consumers.
In addition to allowing representatives to work remotely, the application also expands opportunities for messaging scenarios. For example, retail representatives can leverage their downtime in stores by messaging customers who are not in store, utilizing retail representatives as agents, and giving them the power to increase sales.
Current Agent App status
- The current Android app supports version 6.0 (API level 23) and up, with the target/latest SDK version being Android 14 (API level 34).
- The current iOS app supports version 12 and up.
Supported Capabilities
- The application supports iOS and Android phones and is optimized for the respective screen sizes. Agents can use the application to complete basic conversations with consumers including:
- Accept new conversations when they are online
- Manage the list of conversations
- Transfer to another skill or a specific agent
- Close conversations
- Return conversations to the queue
- Agent managers can review conversations of their team, and filter by status or specific agent
- Managers (Admins) can join conversations to participate actively
- Predefined content
- Photo sharing
- Conversation rollover
- SSO (Single Sign-On)
- This application is available on Google Play and the Apple store. Brands can download it today and any agent can use their regular credentials to log in.
How to login
Login fields
Account No: The account ID (remember toggle is used to save for future login) Username: The agent’s email
Password: The agent's password (a masked field)
➡️ Changing / retrieving lost passwords will be carried out by an admin on the web platform.
Login Button
The Login button is enabled once all fields are completed. Click Login to log in to the application.
Login Screen Errors
An alert message appears in case of a credential error or server error.
No Network
An alert message appears on the top of the screen when the network is unavailable. This alert is dismissed as soon as the network signal is restored.
Drawer Menu
After the user logs in, the application displays the Conversations view. This view consists of:
Agent Picture Set on web version → Users tab → specific user. This is used for login identification. When clicking on the agent picture, you will get to the settings menu where you can change details such as status, etc.
Agent State: While the agent is in the Online state, new conversations can ring. There is no consumer-facing indication that the agent is in the Online state. The agent default status is set according to the platform settings.
Agent State: While the agent is in the Away state, agents are not eligible to receive new conversations. Accepted conversations still show new messages (including Push notifications). There is no consumer-facing indication that the agent is in the Away state.
- Settings - Enables dark mode and changes the language of the application.
- Submit App Feedback - Opens a form to provide LivePerson with feedback on the application.
- Message Us button - Provides an option to contact LivePerson Support.
Logout Button
Upon signing out, all the local database information for that agent is deleted. All data is restored from the LivePerson database when the agent logs in.
Agent Flow
Empty State
The first time the agent logs in to the application, it appears to be in an empty state. This is because the agent has no assigned conversations and no new conversation ringing. All agent’s conversations are ended either manually or automatically. Agents can open the drawer menu by tapping their picture on the top left corner. The small dot represents their current state: green for online, red for away.
New Ring Alert
The new conversation ringing (ACD manual accept mode only).
Accepting the Conversation
Clicking Accept assigns the conversation to the agent and opens the conversation. This opens only one conversation at a time, even if multiple conversations are ringing for the agent.
Ignoring the conversation
An agent can ignore ringing conversations. After a preset time (the default is 1m), the conversation moves to the next available agent (as decided by LivePerson’s agent availability algorithm).
➡️ The application filters out conversations with unassigned skills. Unassigned skill conversations are not received in the agent application.
Conversation Top Bar
Consumer Avatar: From sources such as SMS, the consumer avatar doesn’t appear, therefore a generic avatar is used for aesthetic reasons. If the source supports a consumer avatar, such as Facebook, the consumer avatar is shown.
Conversation List Entry
Consumer Avatar: From sources such as SMS, the consumer avatar doesn’t appear, therefore a generic avatar is used for aesthetic reasons. If the source supports a consumer avatar, such as Facebook, the consumer avatar is shown.
Consumer ID: The key information indicator for the consumer. The ID usually contains the consumer’s name. When using SMS, the consumer ID is their phone number.
Last Message Excerpt: Displays the last conversation message excerpt. The list entry also displays conversation response time indication (see connections list slide.)
Conversation Message
Every conversation starts with a new message, originating from the consumer.
Messaging the Consumer
Text Field
When the agent writes several lines or uses the return key, it sends the message.
Send Icon
Clicking the Send icon adds the text to the conversation and sends it to the consumer.
Conversation message
Every conversation starts with a new message, originating from the consumer.
Attachments Icon
Clicking the + (attachment) icon opens the attachments menu. Agents can send predefined content, a secure form, or start a video call. ADD attachments.png
Conversation Message: Consumer Side
Consumer-side conversation messages appear with a colored background. Every conversation is color-coded for easy identification by the agent. Below the consumer bubble, there is a time stamp.
Conversation Message: Agent Side
Agent-side conversation messages appear with a white background. Below the agent bubble, there is an indication for the agent name and a time stamp. In addition, there is a message status icon v indication: sent, delivered, or read (similar to the WhatsApp indications.)
Auto Messages/System Messages
Automatic messages or system messages are displayed in white without a bubble centered on the screen.
Agent Action Menu
Clicking the three vertical dots on the top right opens the agent action menu.
Return to Queue
Clicking the Return to Queue action removes the agent assignment from the conversation and sends it back to the queue of the appropriate skill. The position of the conversation in the queue is determined by LivePerson’s algorithm (currently it is positioned at the end of the queue, but enhancements to the algorithm are in progress.)
Close Conversation
In case the conversation is no longer relevant and is not needed for future reference, the agent can close the conversation. This hides the conversation from the list and subsequently, it can only be accessed via Agent Manager or from the web. On the web, closed conversations can be reopened when the agent sends a new message.
Inactive Conversations
Inactive conversations can be closed automatically using the Auto-close feature. This feature closes conversations after a configurable time during which the consumer is idle. Contact your LivePerson account team to configure this feature.
Transfer Conversations
Allow the agent to transfer a conversation either to another agent or to any agent within a skill.
The Connections List
Connection List Order
The agent usually sees multiple conversations on their conversation list. Every conversation is color-coded for easy identification by the agent. The color code can be seen on the outer ring of each consumer avatar. The list is sorted according to the response time (SLA). If there is no response time because the conversation is pending a consumer response, then the list is sorted according to the last modified conversation by the agent (top to bottom).
The Dynamic List Behavior and Transition
When the conversation status changes, e.g. when an agent responds to an overdue conversation, the position of the conversation in the queue changes accordingly.
➡️ Agents can view closed conversations for 1 day under the My tab and can search for closed conversations up to 90 days under the All tab.
Conversation list indications
Conversations pending an agent response have response time indications on the right side. In the case where a conversation is overdue (at the top according to sorting logic), a red bell icon is displayed The app filters out conversations with unassigned skills. Unassigned skill conversations will not be displayed in the connections list.
Push notifications
When the agent moves the app to the background, new conversations are received as push notifications. Each push includes a generic message that a new conversation is waiting to be accepted. Each push notification includes:
- When the agent moves the application to the background, new conversations are received as push notifications. Each push includes a generic message that a new conversation is waiting to be accepted. Each push notification includes:
- Customer ID: The name (or phone number) of the consumer who sent the new message.
- Message Excerpt: A short excerpt of the new message.
- Clicking the notification: Opens the application and focuses on the relevant conversation’s last message.
Return conversation to queue when logging out
- An alert message appears when a user tries to log out of the application with open conversations assigned. Users can choose between three options:
- Automatically return all assigned open conversations back to the queue and log out.
- Log out without returning the conversation to the queue.
- Cancel and return to the previous screen.
Manager Flow
The Agent Manager Capabilities
All the functionality for agent users applies to the agent manager as well.
For a manager to be able to receive new conversations, he needs to be defined in the web platform with an agent role. The below topic describes the additional set of features available only for users with manager role.
The Manager Connections View - My/All tabs
When a user with a manager role logs in to the application, the connections list displays two tabs: My or All. Under My tab, managers can view open conversations assigned to them or conversations they have joined.
Assigned Agent Name
In each conversation entry, there is an indication of the assigned agent.
Join Conversation Icon
There is a Join icon for the conversation where the manager is joined.
The ‘All’ Tab Connections List
In the All tab, managers can view:
- Open conversations assigned to the agent they are managing (in their agent group)
- Open conversations in the queue - The manager can view conversations in the queue (not assigned to any agent.) The manager can only view in-queue conversations assigned to a skill that at least one of the agents is assigned to.
- Close conversation - The managers can view closed conversations that are assigned to agents they manage.
The list displays closed conversations from the past 14 days (from the conversation start date.) The list order is similar to the logic explained for the agents' list order (see above). Closed conversations are displayed at the bottom and sorted according to the closing date (recently closed at the top.)
➡️ The application filters out conversations with unassigned skills. Unassigned skill conversations are not visible in the My or All tab list.
In-queue Conversation Indication
For conversations that are in the queue, the agent name field is labeled as Unassigned.
Closed Conversation Indication
There is an icon indication for conversations that are closed.
'All' Tab Filters
In the All tab, the user can filter the list according to status, agents, and skill.
The Filter Main Panel
When clicking the filter icon, a filter panel slides in from the right side. From this panel, users can select multiple ways to filter the All connections list. Tapping each of the filters: status, mobile experts, skills; drill down to the relevant filter selection. To close the panel, the user can tap the Back button or click anywhere outside the filter panel.
The Status Filter
- From the status filter, users can filter conversations by their statuses: Open, Open and Unassigned or Closed.
- This is a single selection filter.
- Clicking one of the status items filters the connections list accordingly.
- Tap again to remove the filter.
- To filter by additional parameters, users can click the back button to return to the main filter screen.
- To apply the current filter and close the filter panel, users can click anywhere outside the filter panel.
Managers Actions
Join/Leave Conversations
Users with manager roles can join conversations that are assigned to one of his agents or in the conversations queue. The Join button is available from the Action menu in the upper right corner (3 dots). After joining a conversation users can send messages. The Join Conversation button in the menu is changed to Leave Conversation when the conversation is joined by the manager.
Send Back to the Queue
Managers can return conversations to the queue without joining conversations.
End Conversations
Managers can only end conversations assigned to them or conversations that they joined. As mentioned before, once a manager joins a conversation it will also be available in the My tab.
Closed Conversations
Managers can view closed conversations from the All tab. There are no available actions for closed conversations (there is the ability to resume conversation from the application.) Once the conversation is closed, the text area is replaced with a “Conversation is closed” banner.
No Conversation State
This happens when:
- The first time the manager logs into the application.
- The agent has no assigned conversations.
- All agent’s conversations are ended (either manually or automatically.)
In this state, a white image is displayed on the right panel with the label “Conversations list is empty” under it.
No Selection State
This happens:
- After logging into the application and the agent has assigned conversations.
- When the agent returns the conversation to the queue.
- When the agent closes the conversation.
When an agent manager is focused on a conversation in one tab (e.g. the All tab), then goes to the next tab (e.g. the My tab), and the conversation is not available under the tab list. In this state, the “cactus” image is displayed on the right panel with the label “Please select a conversation” under it.
The list of agents available is according to the agent in the manager agent group.