When you make or receive a call, the CRM may not have the matching record you need for the phone number. In a multi-match scenario, the CRM may have other records associated with the number but no record for the particular person you are in contact with. In a no-match scenario, the CRM does not have any record matching the number.
When the CRM does not locate the record you need, you can search for the record and create a new one if necessary:
- If you find the record, select it and Tenfold will associate the call with that contact. If you don't find the record you need, continue to the next step and create a new one.
- Click New Contact, or click the arrow to open the record type menu and select a different type for the new record.
- Complete the required information for the record, and then click Create and assign record to create the record in the CRM and to associate it with the call.
- The new contact displays correctly associated with the phone number on the contact page and in your call history.