Updates include: Announcement re Predefined Custom Reports (Reminder)
➡️ Exact delivery dates may vary, and brands may therefore not have immediate access to all features on the date of publication. Please contact your LivePerson account team for the exact dates on which you will have access to the features.
🚨 The timing and scope of these features or functionalities remain at the sole discretion of LivePerson and are subject to change.
Deprecation of Predefined Custom Report Reminder
This is a reminder that the Predefined Custom Report will be deprecated from the MicroStrategy system on January 13th.
LivePerson has historically provided an email subscription service to deliver critical operational reports to customers daily or weekly. Because this service was planned to be a short-term solution, it was built on legacy technology that does not contain the monitoring and stability that LivePerson’s in-product services have. As planned, we have worked to build in-product solutions via the Data Transporter tool, and by the end of 2024, we plan to deprecate the Predefined Content Custom Report.
Replacement Report Available:
The replacement report, titled Predefined Content Messages Summary, is now available on the Data Transporter. This new report provides a comprehensive summary of predefined content usage and serves as a direct replacement for the old report. Additionally, we've enhanced the Messaging Interactions - Messages report in Data Transporter by adding new predefined content metrics, offering deeper insights into messaging interactions.