Messages for Business Forms support complex data collection within a branded interface that keeps the consumer engaged within the conversation, without sending consumers out of the channel to a web experience.
Common use cases
There are many use-cases from which brands could benefit from this type of interaction. Below are some example use cases:
Triage flows:
Account creation or service sign-up:
User experience
Above example shows how consumer sees a form in conversation with an Agent or Bot. By clicking on the form message, it reveals the first page in the form (right image), first page of the form is called splash page.
The customer fills in the form. There are many types of inputs that could be requested from the customer like: single/multiple select, date picker, text fields... The example on the left shows a multi-select question. Once Customers reach the end of the form, they are shown a summary (right image) to ensure their answers are correct before submitting.
Expected behaviour for messages
Messages for Business Forms can be:
- Business Forms can be shared by bots
- Business Forms can be reviewed by the Agent - for more details, empty forms (sent by bot) or filled-in forms (received back from consumers) can be expanded and reviewed by an agent.
- Business Forms can be reviewed by the Consumer - Consumers can review their response once they filled-in and shared it with a Brand, but they cannot edit their response.
➡️ When a user task switches out to another app and back to Messages, the form closes. The user must tap to re-open the form. The form resets and the user has to re-enter their responses.
More in-depth technical configuration can be found on our developer portal.