Setup of Auto Populate within the Salesforce Widget for Agent Workspace feature
This feature works on Structured Date Elements of conversations. To determine the value of SDEs of a conversation, you can follow the steps laid out here.
To view your SDE object while the widget is open in the Agent Workspace, perform the following:
- Select a conversation in which you would like to display the SDEs.
- Open the developer console (e.g. for Google Chrome on MacOS Option + Command + J (⌥-⌘-J), or Control + Shift + J on your keyboard on Windows)
- Paste the following command into the command line at the bottom of the console tab and hit Enter:
This command will display the SDE object, allowing you to inspect its structure and data to retrieve the needed path.
You’ll get a result similar to this:
{ "SDE":{ "customerDetails": [ { "balance": "$-400.99", "currency": "USD", "customerId": "someCustomerId", "socialId": "someSocialId", "imei": "someImei", "userName": "lpuser", "companySize": 500, "accountName": "bank corp", "role": "broker", "storeZipCode": "20505", "storeNumber": "123345", "lastPaymentDate": "15 Oct. 2014", "registrationDate": "23 May. 2013", "serverTimeStamp": 1714383691648, "status": "cancelled", "type": "vip" } ], "personalInfo": [ { "name": "John Doe", "gender": "Male", "company": "company", "language": "en-US", "age": 34, "contactInfo": [ { "email": "", "phone": "+1 212-788-8877", "phoneType": null, "address": null, "preferredContactMethod": null } ], "serverTimeStamp": 1714383691649, "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "birthday": "15 Apr. 1980" } ], }, }
Knowing the contents of your conversations' SDEs, you can now specify the paths for the Auto Populate feature.
The input you will be providing should be a string that describes how to reach a particular data point within a structured entity. Here are some guidelines on how to construct a path:
Nested Objects:
- Use dots (.) to navigate through nested objects.
- Example: To access the email in contactInfo in personalInfo in the SDE object, the path would be "".
- Example 2: To access the firstname in personalInfo in the SDE object, the path would be "personalInfo.firstname".
- Our system automatically selects the first element in any array encountered along the path.
- If you need to specify that a property is within an array, simply follow the property path as if it is a singular object.
- Example: If personalInfo is an array, to get the firstname you just input "personalInfo.firstname". The system handles the array and retrieves the firstname of the first element.
Usage Examples
Tips for Path Specification
- Ensure your paths do not include array indices as the system defaults to the first element of any array.
- Double-check your paths for typos to ensure accurate data retrieval (Even capital letters matter).
- Use the exact field names as they appear in the data structure (Best to copy and paste to avoid errors).
- The system currently does not support dynamic array indexing; it automatically accesses the first element of arrays.