Conversation Cloud offers a robust platform for creating and deploying voice bots efficiently. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of building your very first voice bot on LivePerson Conversation Cloud, with a simple yet fundamental task: saying "Hello, World!"
To create the bot:
Log in to your Conversational Cloud account and navigate to Automate > Conversation Builder.
The Conversation Builder appears.
Click New Bot. The Choose a Bot Template window appears.
Select Custom > Custom Bot. The Bot details page appears.
Provide the following information:
1. Name: Input the name for your bot into the field.
2. Description: Input information describing your bot.
3. Channel Type: Select the voice option.
4. Bot Language: Select the language from the dropdown for your bot.
5. Bot Group: Select a bot group if required, from the dropdown menu.
Once done click Create Bot. The Bot Dialog page appears.
Edit the text as required for your bot. Click Preview.
You can see your Voice Bot saying “Hello World”.
If you want to test Voice on live on you need to set a phone number and assign it to your bot.