Introduction to LivePerson Social
- Supported channels
- Instagram;
- Twitter;
- Facebook;
Public vs. Private definitions
What is public messaging:-
For Instagram, public messaging is represented by public stories (1), public posts (2), comments on public posts (3), comments on comments, and Reels (4).
For Twitter, public messaging is represented by public tweets (1), re-tweets (2), comments on public tweets (3), and comments on comments.
For Facebook, public messaging is represented by public posts (1), comments on public posts (2), and comments on comments.
What is private messaging?
- Instagram: 1:1 private messaging from the Instagram application/website;
- Twitter: 1:1 private messaging from the Twitter application/website;
- Facebook 1:1 private messaging from the Messenger application/website;
- Instagram
- LP Social does not allow filtering Instagram events based on some rules;
- LP Social Connector listens to
- public posts;
- comments to the posts;
- Reels;
- Social does not apply any limitations for accepting consumer posts on a brand's FB page or Instagram account.
- Facebook-
- FB Public - Built on top of FB webhooks.
- LP Social does not allow filtering Instagram events based on some rules;
- LP Social Connector listens to the events, which are happening on the brand’s public FB page.
- For FB - LP Social platform listens to:
- public posts,
- comments to the public posts;
- comments to other comments.
- Twitter
- Twitter Public - Built on top of 2 channels:
- Twitter Activity API(webhooks) for direct mentions;
- Power Track API(long-polling) for additional listening rules, which brand defines (example shown below).
- To restrict any unnecessary “noise” events from Twitter, Social Connector allows setting up filtering rules.
- These rules are not self-served and should be explicitly deployed by the Social Team.
Examples of the filtering rules:
(@TestifyCares OR to:TestifyCares OR @TestifyCares2 OR to:TestifyCares2 OR @TestifyCares3 OR to:TestifyCares3 OR #testifycares OR testifycares) -(\“RT:\” OR is:retweet)
- @TestifyCares - listen to TestifyCares mention;
- to:TestifyCares - listen to replies from TestifyCares handle;
- #testifycares - listen to testifycares hashtag;
- testifycares - listen to testifycares word in tweets;
- -(\“RT:\” OR is:retweet) - exclude retweets
- How Social is Supported by the LivePerson Platform
Questions to give attention to during scoping
- What channels customers are interested in?
- Private and/or Public per channel?
Which data points per each channel will be used for the routing decisions:
- SDEs;
- Conversation metadata;
- Event metadata
- Is there any data enrichment required?
Routing should be made by the bot.
- Is there any interaction expected between the routing bot and the consumer?
Is any human agent involved?
- Should the conversation be completely handled by the bot or the bot identifies the routing rule and initiates a transfer to the human agent.
- Should the bot share any context with the agent.
- Any specific intents to listen to? NLU involvement?
Do you want to filter "noisy" conversations?
- Actionable vs. Non-Actionable conversations;
- Sometimes there is a need to pass only the part of the traffic from FB/Twitter/Instagram. The common use case is when only a specific customer intent(s) should be answered by the agent/bot. In this situation, it is recommended to route all traffic to CC, and already on CC filter the conversations. The conversations, which require Agent/Bot response, will be re-routed to the correspondent skills, the rest of the conversations could be closed.
- It is strongly recommended to control automatic messages for public messages, since usually sending generic automatic messages brings to the bad user experience.
Initial routing should be applied in the Skill Selection Rule Definition section of the Houston service. Skill Selection section allows defining SDE-based rules. CompanyBranch and CompanyType SDEs could be used in the combination to define the basic set of rules.
- CompanyType SDE contains channel-specific information: Private VS. Public
- CompanyType SDE contains FB/TW or Instagram handle ID, to which the initial message was sent by the customer.
If the routing rules are more complicated, then Routing Bot and Conversation Orchestrator should be used to manage those.
Example of the complex routing rules from Spotify:
Twitter Building Blocks