Welcome to the guide on Connectors, Monitoring, and Unauthenticated Messaging with LivePerson. This document offers essential insights and instructions for leveraging these features to optimize customer engagement strategies.
Reach out to your LivePerson Account Manager to Enable Unauthenticated SDEs and Unauthenticated Messaging in the backend (Houston).
1. Monitoring API
The purpose of the Monitoring API is to target and engage customers who are not using a specific tag.
To update unauthenticated SDEs for both authenticated and non-authenticated conversations, use the following endpoint:
2. Test - Targeting
To test targeting, follow these steps:
- Create engagements, some with SDE value associated with them and some with sections.
- Utilize the Monitoring API to retrieve engagement by SDE.
- Utilize the Monitoring API to retrieve engagement by section/entry point.
{"kind":"req","type":"cm.ConsumerRequestConversation","body":{ "conversationContext":{"type":"SharkContext","visitorId":<svid from the method object>,"sessionId":<ssid from the method object>,"interactionContextId":<scid from the method object>},"campaignInfo":{"campaignId":<cid from the method object>,"engagementId":<eid from the method object>} }, "id":<request id>}
3. Test - authenticated conversation
Start authenticated conversation
Get the customerId
Get the vid and sid from the page
Use Report API call to set SDEs
4. Test - non - authenticated conversation
- Start non-auth conversation
- Get the vid and sid from the page
- Use Report API call to set SDEs - remove consumerId from the body and use only sid and vid
5. Known current gap
In unauthenticated conversations, customerId is not exposed. Therefore Monitoring API cannot be used to update SDEs on the conversation.
It is possible to update SDEs with Monitoring API only with vid and sid → it will show in Agent UI, but will not be available to customer agent widgets (agent widget SDK). Also will show in Messaging Interactions API.
Bot has access to sid, vid - therefore can make that update.
Agent widget SDK doesn't have access to sid and vid - therefore cannot make this update.
Product Fix coming in October - CustomerId will be exposed for unauthenticated conversations. This will allow to use Monitoring API to update SDEs by customerId (just like for auth conversations).
6. Method ‘report’ - CORS issue
Use as described below to avoid CORS issue.
Use POST requests with X-Http-Method-Override=PUT
This is a security requirement.
Set appId on connector api conversation request: you have to set client properties in the header of the request as seen here:
There are other parameters you can set as well:
"deviceFamily": "DESKTOP",
"os": "WINDOWS",
"browser": "",
"appId": "test app id",
"appVersion": "",
"deviceModel": "",
"deviceManufacture": "",
"timeZone": "",
"browserVersion": "",
"integrationVersion": "",
"integration": "WEB_SDK",
"osName": "",
"osVersion": ""