No Option to Delete Comments on Posts
Description: Users do not have the option to delete their comments on posts. This limitation restricts users' control over their content and can lead to user frustration. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to community.liveperson.com. Open a post and add a comment. Attempt to find an option to delete the comment. Observe that no…
Language Updates - Getting Started
We've got a mix of passive and immediate tone in this page, along with a smidge of repetition. I vote we remove the mention of pages appearing - It feels a little outdated. I'd like to see us be more lively and immediate with our content 🤩 Something like this.. Welcome to LivePerson's Conversation Cloud! Get ready to…
Persistent Error Alert When Entering New Post Title
Test Post Description Description: When a user does not enter a title for a new post on and clicks Save, an error alert "You have entered an invalid discussion title" appears. However, if the user corrects the title again, the error alert does not disappear and remains on the screen. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to…
Error Label and Unexpected Characters in Message Body
Description: In the Inbox > Message > New Message section on community.liveperson.com, when the Post Message button is clicked without adding a recipient and message body, an error label "You must select at least one recipient." appears. Additionally, unexpected characters [{"type":"p","children":[{"text":""}]}] are…
Saving Drafts Without Title and Description
Description: When creating or editing a post, if the title and description are removed and the Save Draft button is clicked, the draft is saved without any title or body in the user's draft section. This can lead to incomplete drafts being saved, which may be confusing for users. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to…
Moderation Link Redirects to Empty Notes Section
Description: In the profile section, the Moderation link redirects users to the Notes section, which displays no content. This redirection leads to a blank page and can cause confusion for users who expect to see moderation-related information. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to community.liveperson.com. Go to the profile…
Top Navigation Bar Recommendations
Instead of making separate posts for each of these recommendations, I figured I would elaborate on a few ideas regarding the Navigation Bar at the top of the website: Training & Certification, News, Events and Blog all redirect outside of this site, and could have their own hamburger menu/category "External Resources",…
Article Page Enhancements
Similar to my previous post, I figured I would bunch up my feedback into a single "Idea" to house my recommendations to enhance the Article pages. Articles should use space to showcase related Discussions We could allow users to create/interact with discussions related to specific article categories right on the pages…
Broken Thumbnails in Search Results for Articles Without Images or Unsupported Images
Description: When an article is searched on community.liveperson.com, the search results display a broken thumbnail if the article has no image or an unsupported image format. This issue negatively affects the visual appeal and user experience of the search results page. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to…
Redundant Redirects in Profile Activity Causing SEO Issues
Description: When clicking on the Profile link, it redirects to the activity page at https://community.liveperson.com/profile. However, clicking on the Activity link within the profile page redirects to https://community.liveperson.com/profile/activity/KarthickIndia, which displays a similar page. This redundancy could…
No Option to Delete User New Posts
Description: After a post is created, there is no option available for the user to delete the post. This limitation restricts users' control over their content and can lead to user frustration. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to community.liveperson.com. Create and post a new post. Attempt to find an option to delete the…
Ability to Post Blank Comments on Posts Due to Lack of Input Validation in Rich Text Box
Description: Users can submit blank comments on posts because there is no validation for user input in the text box. The Save Draft and Post Comment buttons should be disabled if there is no user input to prevent blank comments from being posted. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to community.liveperson.com. Open a post and…
Unable to change/update my profile name.. Permission issue..
ALT Text Popup Auto-Saves Without User Confirmation After Image Upload
Description: After an image is uploaded to a post on community.liveperson.com, clicking the Accessibility button opens the ALT text popup. If the user updates the ALT text and clicks outside the popup, the text is saved automatically without the user clicking on the save button. This behavior may lead to unintentional…
Black and White Smiley Not Properly Encoded
Description: Within posts on community.liveperson.com, there is a black and white smiley that appears to be not properly encoded. This issue affects the visual consistency and user experience when using smileys in posts. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to community.liveperson.com. Create or view a post that includes smileys.…
Ability to Post Empty Posts in Profile Activity Section
Description: In the profile activity section on community.liveperson.com, users are able to submit empty posts. When the Share button is clicked, it counts the empty post and displays a popup saying "Your post will appear after it is approved." Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to community.liveperson.com. Go to your profile…
Back to the Community Tab
Just making a comment, and since it's so easy to have multiple browser tab's open, that once you have logged into the community and you click on a menu item, it would be so nice to have an option on our pages that say 'back to community' for easy access.
Blank Popup Appears When Upvoting Own Topic Twice
Description: When a user upvotes their own topic in a category on community.liveperson.com twice, a blank popup appears. This empty popup does not convey any information or feedback, leading to confusion and a suboptimal user experience. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to community.liveperson.com. Locate one of your own…
Unable to upvote
I get the error "you don't have permission to do that." when trying to upvote. Thanks!
Inconsistent Border Animation on Follow Bell Icon Button
Description: When hovering over the follow bell icon button on community.liveperson.com, the CSS animation changes the button's border from a rectangle to a rounded border and then reverts back to a rectangle border. This inconsistency can lead to a visually jarring user experience. Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to…