Article Page Enhancements

kprobeck Staff Posts: 3

Similar to my previous post, I figured I would bunch up my feedback into a single "Idea" to house my recommendations to enhance the Article pages.

  • Articles should use space to showcase related Discussions
    • We could allow users to create/interact with discussions related to specific article categories right on the pages themselves. Current the only way to do this (that I found) was to do this from the "New Discussion" functionality on the Discussions page, after you've already navigated away from the page.
  • Article Titles should have a character limit
    • Articles with too long of titles eat up a lot of screen realty. We should either limit the word count or character count for these!
  • Articles in the same category can all be housed on a single page
    • Currently, navigating between articles brings the user to entirely new pages, making navigating back to the category-selection page take multiple clicks (Ex: If the user read 5 articles, that's Back to article 4, Back to 3, Back to 2, back to 1, THEN Back to the category selection page)
    • Articles can instead be hosted on a single category page, where each of the articles are their own anchor points on said page.
  • The first article in a category should not have the "Previous" functionality.

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  • Sue
    Sue Administrator Posts: 124

    Thank you. We will inform the technical writer, Gautham.