Language Updates - Getting Started

We've got a mix of passive and immediate tone in this page, along with a smidge of repetition. I vote we remove the mention of pages appearing - It feels a little outdated.

I'd like to see us be more lively and immediate with our content 🤩
Something like this..

Welcome to LivePerson's Conversation Cloud!

Get ready to revolutionize your messaging with our powerful AI-powered platform. Once your account is created, you’ll receive your credentials. You'll need those to hand to log in and dive into the incredible features and capabilities that LivePerson offers.

To start your journey:

  1. Click here to access the Conversation Cloud login page. Enter your Account number and hit Next.

2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Sue
    Sue Administrator Posts: 124
    edited July 31

    Thank you. Please keep these coming. If you can be specific with your recommendations and edits, we would like to see if we can fit them in.