CSS Issue with "Next" Button in Profile > Activity Section

Description: After clicking on the "ReactionsUp" buttons in the Profile > Activity section of community.liveperson.com, the "Next" button's CSS is inconsistent. One side of the button appears oval while the other side is rectangular. However, on hover, the button changes to a blue color and displays correctly.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to the Profile section on community.liveperson.com.
  2. Go to the "Activity" tab.
  3. Click on the "ReactionsUp" button to load more activity.
  4. Observe the appearance of the "Next" button that appears after loading more activity.
  5. Hover over the "Next" button to see the hover effect.

Expected Behavior: The "Next" button should have a consistent and symmetrical design at all times, with proper CSS styling, and the hover effect should enhance its appearance.

Actual Behavior: The "Next" button has an inconsistent design with one side appearing oval and the other side rectangular. On hover, the button changes to a blue color and appears correctly.

Recommended Solution: Review and correct the CSS styling for the "Next" button to ensure it has a consistent and symmetrical design both before and after hover. Ensure the hover effect is visually appealing and does not mask the underlying design issue.

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  • Sue
    Sue Administrator Posts: 125

    We will address with the vendor.