Some community areas are inaccessible or blocked due to a permission setting

- Training & Certification tab appears inaccessible at the moment requiring a separate login to access
- Is this a future feature in development? I would love to be able to access LP training courses and certification options in the future for my and my team members roles
- Conversational Growth Paths
- tabs under Welcome to Live Person Solutions lead to the following permission issue
Technical Guides & Information is blocked for me as well, with the same permissions error.
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Thank you, Carla & Julia. A permission had to be adjusted. You should be able to view the TGI content.
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Carla - The Training & Certification link is a non-SSO version. You may be experiencing a cache issue if you are used to logging in with SSO.
We will work on additional language to add to the Training & Certification link.
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@Sue - I am still having trouble accessing the Training & Certification link. I might be in the same boat as Carla since we both use SSO. However, I went to the Community portal using Chrome Incognito, and when I click the tab it still shows the same LOGIN page. Thoughts?
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Sorry, I just saw this last comment.
The screencap shows the correct LMS login page. The enablement team added the "sign-up" button to capture applicants. You should be able to log into your LMS account.
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@Sue - Thanks! I guess maybe we are a bit confused. Is there a new LMS system/application that is part of the Community rollout? I don't know if we have ever accessed or used the LivePerson LMS system.
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@markmalizia The old LMS platform was deprecated in April 2024. Your email address is not associated with the new LMS, so you are not registered,